Talent Development and Training

Enhance leadership and soft skills, ensuring your team not only learns but retains and applies knowledge effectively.

Workshops & Training

I use the latest brain science to enhance leadership and soft skills, ensuring your team not only learns but retains and applies knowledge effectively.


  • Engaging Workshops: Interactive sessions designed to upgrade leadership, enhance communication, and improve conflict resolution.

  • Targeted Webinars: Dive deep into specific topics from anywhere, tailored to your company's needs.

  • Continuous Support: I provide follow-ups to ensure implementation and sustained improvement.

Why Choose Sana Ross?

  1. Specialization in Neuroscience-Based Leadership and Performance Coaching. My unique approach is backed by my extensive certifications and real-world experience, ensuring that you receive guidance grounded in the latest scientific research and practical applications.

  2. Proven Coaching Methodology. With a comprehensive toolkit that includes the latest in neuroscience research and leadership strategies, I offer a structured yet flexible coaching process tailored to your specific needs.

  3. Efficient and Targeted Development. My coaching and advisory services cut through the noise, which means you can focus on what matters most: applying these insights to achieve lasting change, all while avoiding the common pitfalls of miscommunication and misalignment with your goals.


What is talent development training?

Talent development training focuses on improving the skills, abilities, and performance of individuals and teams. It leverages neuroscience to enhance leadership, communication, adaptability, and other critical skills.

How does neuroscience improve training?

Neuroscience helps us understand how the brain works, enabling us to design training that aligns with how people naturally learn and process information. This approach makes the training more effective and impactful.

Who can benefit from these workshops?

Our workshops are ideal for senior managers, team leaders, emerging leaders, and employees at all levels who want to improve their skills and performance. Whether you're looking to enhance leadership, communication, or adaptability, we have a program for you.

What topics do your workshops cover?

We offer workshops on a variety of topics, including:

  • Leadership Development: Enhance decision-making and manage stress.

  • Adaptability and Resilience: Manage change and overcome challenges.

  • Public Speaking: Improve your presentation and audience engagement.

  • Soft Skills: Boost communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.

Can neuroscience really help with adaptability in the workplace?

Yes, insights from neuroscience can make it easier for individuals and organizations to manage change. By understanding how the brain reacts to new situations and stress, strategies can be developed to make transitions smoother and less disruptive.

How does understanding neuroscience enhance resilience?

Neuroscience provides insights into how stress affects the brain and body. With this knowledge, L&D programs can teach more effective stress management techniques, helping employees to become more resilient in the face of challenges.

How does neuroscience contribute to diversity and inclusion?

By exploring the neurological roots of biases, neuroscience can help design training that addresses and mitigates these biases, leading to more inclusive behaviors and practices within the workplace.